Our Services

Garage Organization

The Modern Garage: Office, Storage, And Maybe Room For Your Car. 

The family members, pets, gear, hobbies, furniture and clothing in our homes is ever changing, and your garage can quickly become a catch-all for items that are not needed on a daily basis. From your lifetime supply of toilet paper, to Christmas decorations, to seasonal sports items (canoe, anyone?) a garage can be a disaster zone or a well-stocked supply room. Because a garage is typically just an empty cement box, thinking through the proper organizational items (shelving, cabinets, workspaces) is key.  

Contact Us For Pricing

Our compassionate consultants understand that is hard to give up some items that you have gotten attached to, or believe you may need one day. We also understand that different members of your household may have different preferences as to what is where is kept and stored. That’s why we start by listening and observing. Then comes the fun part – the decluttering and organizing!

Fees & Packge Discount

Most of our projects are custom designed with a variety of staffing levels and costs based on the size of your garage.

Package discounts are provided as well, so get in touch today!

“Successful organizing is based on the recognition that people get organized because they, too, have a vision.”


Paul Wellstone

Sessions Include

Hours your professional organizer spends in your home, plus:

  1. 60-minute complimentary in-home consultation to discuss the details of your project
  2. Time spent shopping for required supplies
  3. Includes the purchase all storage supplies selected for your space!
  4. Additional time spent space planning and designing organizing solutions
  5. Communication with you by phone or email up to two weeks after the session
  6. Transporting items to consignment
  7. Removing trash or donation items after your session


Top rated organizers